Report from The Board – Summer 2014


This summer the Board of Directors has continually been working on several projects.

We were hoping to have started the first phase of the sidewalk and beautification of the front of the building project this summer. However, the project start date has now been pushed to late fall. This is a priority; the Board is currently working with Management, engineers, and HPD for solutions. We appreciate your patience and support and will keep you updated.

Revised copies of the by-laws will be distributed shortly. The date and time of the by-laws review, with our attorney, will be announced later this month.

This September we’re happy to announce the kick off of Movie Night; morning walk with Pat and Nick; and the annual Open House.

Want to save 10% on your car insurance bill? Sign up for the Safe Driving Course sponsored in conjunction with AARP. It will be given in our Community Room on Saturday, Sept. 27th-9am-4pm.

Cost is $20 for members of AARP and $25 for all others – no cash or credit cards – only checks or money orders accepted.(made payable to AARP) If you are an AARP member, be sure to put your member number on your check o MO. Doormen have the signup sheets. Hurry – cutoff date is 9/20/14

All shareholders are invited and encouraged to attend the September Board Meeting. Wednesday, September 3rd, 7:30pm, 2nd floor community room. See you there!