The City Planning Commission is holding a public hearing on Wednesday, June 13th, beginning at 10 AM, in the lower concourse hearing room of 120 Broadway in Manhattan on the proposed rezoning for the wildly out-of-scale 80 Flatbush Avenue Project.
If approved through the City’s land use process (ULURP), these actions would triple the site’s allowable density. The completed project would have towers of 38- and 74-stories, and include 900 apartment units (200 affordable), 200,000 square feet of office space, a new 350-seat elementary school, a rebuilt Khalil Gabran International High School, retail space and community space.
Community Board 2 voted overwhelmingly against the project in early May. While the BHA recognizes that the project has beneficial elements, it has publicly opposed the project due to the unacceptable price being paid for these benefits: its enormous scale, the lack of sensible transition to the low-rise neighborhood to the south, the environmental impacts on historic Boerum Hill and Fort Greene, and the City’s misguided policy of “buying” school capacity by giving developer’s enormous zoning bonuses.
Persons wishing to attend and testify at Wednesday’s hearing are limited to 3 minutes and must sign up when entering the hearing room.
This project will set a dangerous precedent for the Flatbush Corridor. Tell the Planning Commission to go back to the drawing board!