They’re hungry for more!
Owners of the beloved Remsen Street health-food store Perelandra temporarily shuttered its kitchen and juice bar to make way for a massive cooking space that will serve a bevy of new freshly prepared foods when it reopens this spring.
“This is the most significant expansion we’ve done in nearly 20 years,” said co-owner Allison Buckingham. “We’re close to tripling the size of the kitchen.”
The staple Brooklyn Heights grocer between Court and Clinton streets — which opened on nearby Montague Street in 1976 before moving to its current location — is recognized for its aisles filled with good-for-you fare, including organic fruits and vegetables and rice and grains by the pound, and for its entirely plant-based kitchen, where workers made to-go sandwiches and baked goods along with fresh juices and coffee before it closed in mid-January for the makeover.
And when the super-sized, Kosher-certified space opens in April, it will boast a bulked-up menu of breakfast, lunch, and dinner options as well as expanded hours that include weekends, when the old kitchen was closed, Buckingham said. -The Brooklyn Paper