Brooklyn Recycles!

Sims Sunset Park Material Recovery Facility (MRF) SIMSs Municipal Recycling is open for tours by appointment Monday-Friday, 10am-5pm. Please select a date and time below to schedule a group or individual visit. All tours offered by Sims are free of charge. The 11-acre Brooklyn facility features a Recycling Education Center, which includes a theater, interactive exhibits, lunch space, and an outdoor patio. Experience the sorting process first-hand from an elevated observation deck inside the plant, above the 800 tons of recyclables processed here each day from across New York City. See sustainability in action with the city’s first commercial-scale wind turbine, native plantings, stormwater management, and marine habitats.

Questions? Need to Join the Waitlist? Contact:
Sam Silver, Education & Outreach Coordinator:, 347-391-3051.
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