Thanks to an invitation from Steve Levin to the CPN Board, we had a front row seat to all the action at this lively but mostly civil Town Hall Meeting held Wednesday night at St Francis College.
Acting Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez, NYS Assembly Member Jo Anne Simon, and Congress Member Nydia Velázquez also attended to show their support for the mayor as well as the neighborhoods covered in Levin’s Council District 33 (Boerum Hill, Brooklyn Heights, Brooklyn Navy Yard, Downtown Brooklyn, DUMBO, Fulton Ferry, Greenpoint, Vinegar Hill, and Williamsburg).
“This is a great opportunity for this district to have a real dialogue with our Mayor,” Levin said at the start of the meeting. “He’s done now 40 of these meetings around the city. He’s going to be reaching out to every single council district in the entire city of New York by the end of this year. What that says to me is this is a mayor who cares about communities. This is a mayor who cares about the issue on your block.”
Before the two-hour Q&A session with community members, De Blasio addressed the audience, detailing recent developments within the council district Levin represents.
Of particular interest to CPN is the announcement that $6 million has been invested to upgrade of northern end of Cadman Plaza Park. The Mayor pointed out that this park is long overdue for improvements. The last time Cadman Plaza Park received an upgrade was in the 1950s. The project will include new landscaping, new benches, and a water fountain.
-Keith Klein
See BKLYNER for full story.
Mayor De Blasio Meets Council District 33 At Brooklyn Heights Town Hall