DUMBO, BROOKLYN — One of the Jehovah’s Witnesses’ former Brooklyn buildings that was once slated to become a luxury hotel will instead bring more than 500 units of affordable housing to one of the city’s most expensive neighborhoods, should its application be approved, developers announced this week.
Breaking Ground, the city’s largest supportive housing developer, said Tuesday that they have finally started the review process for a rezoning that would allow them to build 507 affordable apartments at 90 Sands St., which was once a hotel run by the religious group.
It was first rumored that the 29-story building would be turned into affordable housing more than a year ago after developers who had hoped to turn it into a 600-room hotel scrapped those plans and sold the building to Breaking Ground. https://patch.com/new-york/heights-dumbo/500-affordable-units-coming-dumbo-jehovahs-witnesses-space